9。 Why is natural frequency important in vibration analysis?
10。 What is the deflection equation of a cantilever beam fixed at one edge?
1。 Name 3 Vehicle Buses。
2。 Name 2 possible sources of Electromagic interference on Electronics Circuit ASM。
3。 Wavelength for 12MHz frequency signal is____
4。 Name 2 important considerations for car radio performan …ce related to audio signal processing under multipath condition?
5。 What is the typical FM receiver RF signal strength to achieve 30dB SN for car radio?
6。 When a radio is tuned to 98。1 MHz & with a LO of 108。8 MHz; what is the image frequency?
7。 For a system with a matched impedance; what is the Reflection Coefficient and SWR?
8。 Which property of the output capacitor is the primary cause of Low Drop Out(LDO) regulator loop instability?
(1)Equivalent series resistance(ESR)
(2)Effective series inductance(ESL)
(3)Capacitance value
(4)Dielectric material
9。 The switching regulator is capable of:
(1)Higher power conversion efficiency
(2)Providing an output voltage that is higher than the input
(3)Generating an output boltage oppsite in polarity to the input
(4)All of the above
10。 A linear regulator op Vin(max) = 10v; Vout(min) = 4。8v; Iout(max) = 2。5mA; Iq(max) = 2。5mA; Ta(max) = 8。5摄氏度,The regulator is available in 3 packages。Each package has the following thermal characteristics:
Package Rja(摄氏度W) Rjc(摄氏度W)
SO14 125 30
D1P8 100 52
Choose the most suitable package to handle the power dissipation requirement without a heat sink and why。
1。 How do you code an infinite loop in C?
2。 Volatile:
(1)What does the keyword volatile mean? Give an example
(2)Can a parameter be both const and volatile? Give an example
(3)Can a pointer be volatile? Give an example
3。 What are the values of a; b; and c after the following instructions:
int a=5; b=7; c;
c = a+++b;
4。 What do the following declarations mean?
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